Monday 20 August 2007

Bank Cards - I'ts Not Like The UK

Thanks to Julie for this great piece of information about your French bank cards.

If you are thinking about setting up a direct debit and handing over your card details for a regular payment (like an ISP) then hear this word of caution. Canceling a credit card regular payment is difficult, Julies personal experience was to her ongoing attempts to cancel her contract with Tiscali. They didn't reply to her letters, even though they've all been sent registered or phone calls. Eventually the only way she stopped them taking the payments was to cancel her card and get another one.

If you want to pay a regular bill then you need to set up a 'prelevement' this form of money agreement will give you the power to cancel easily with your bank.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

The BP Kittens Get Rehomed

Thanks to the members on 4 abandoned kittens in burgundy are on the road to finding a new home.

Two of our members Dave & Dogginut own a property management company and the renters of one of their gites rescued 4 kittens from a box beside a dustbin! As the clients were on holiday they could not look after the kittens long term. With just 2 weeks to find a home for the kittens their outcome wasn't looking good.

Thanks to the Fiona the kitties have had a reprieve. Fiona found a Dutch lady who will take all four kittens for rehoming in Holland. The reason they won't go to a shelter in France is like the UK they are inundadted with kittens and cats and these cuties would have probably been put to sleep.

Well done Dave, Jess and Fiona for giving those kittens a chance. You have big hearts .

Why not visit our pet section on the forum,